Sunday, November 13, 2011

Technical Difficulty

Hello all :(  I'm sending out a sad face as I am sorry that I still don't have a creative post, and it's now been a week!  I have lots of projects to share, but can't upload the pics on our new (yes I said new) but there's a catch, gently used piece of C-R-A-P- (for lack of a better word) computer!  UGHHHHH!  Yes it's a little faster, but I would REALLY love to be able to upload my pics onto my computer...really, at this day in age is that so much to ask for?  My hope is that hubby will have this solved in the next day or so, and so then I will catch you up on all that's been created in the past week or so!  Hope all is well, and thanks so much for stopping by,  I appreciate your patience while we get this sorted out!  Take care and hope to be back soon!  Steph

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